

“The totality of truth is present in every soul as a seed and can be brought to blossom if the soul devotes itself to the development to that seed.” – Rudolf Steiner


Shining Star provides classes and community for homeschooling families who are interested in Waldorf education. We support the educational journey of children, deepen the parents’ understanding of Waldorf education, and provide community for both the children and adults.


Shining Star is group of homeschooling families. Our community is made up of families who intend to continue homeschooling past kindergarten. Our offerings are meant to complement your at home education. 

We ask that our community has, at the very least, a strong interest in Waldorf education. We are made up of a wide spectrum of families – those just beginning down the path to those who have been practicing Waldorf for years.  We welcome all at any level.


Shining Star began in 2018 to create a community for local homeschoolers who were Waldorf inspired. These families found there was a strong need in the greater Seattle area for a place where like-minded Waldorf homeschoolers could come together for learning and connection.

We work out of the belief that a community is alive and ever-changing, and as such our Offerings will reflect that. Our emphasis is on providing elements of Waldorf education that one may not be able to do as a homeschool educator, such as class time with peers, working on projects together as a larger group, and celebrating festivals together.

No matter your background, your homeschool curriculum (or lack thereof), if you have an interest in Waldorf homeschooling, you are welcome at Shining Star.